Hi, my name is Dmitry. I am Dashly's CEO and Co-Founder.

I am eager to share our vision and mission - why we do what we do and what drives us.

About us
Chapter 1
How communication has been changing the world
Tigers, humans and words
Communication as a phenomenon is terrific. The primary shifts in human history took place because of the changes in the ways people interacted with each other.

Do you know why a species known as Homo Sapience won the battle of human survival? Because humans could explain what they want better than the other species! Neanderthals could say, "A tiger is there!" Meanwhile, Humans could tell where the tiger was at the moment, where it had been, and where the tiger might head in the future.

At first glance, such an insignificant difference helped Homo Sapience stand at the top of the food chain. This is hilarious because when we consider other "characteristics," humans lose to almost all the other species on Earth. Even to ants!
Gutenberg's press
The invention of the printing press was a pivotal moment and another great story.

The printing press turned the world upside down and became a symbol of the Modern era. Interesting fact - the printing press invented in the 1440s, remained almost unchanged till the 19th century.

The invention process was not easy. Gutenberg was loaded with loans and litigations; sometimes, he even did not have experienced workers and suitable tools. Nevertheless, he did not give up and made the process of book mass production real. The new printing press dramatically decreased the cost of production and made books available for a bigger audience.

Gutenberg's invention speeded up the spread of knowledge and, as a result, impacted religion, education, and culture in Europe.

World Wide Web
Another fascinating story. The story of Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee.

He made the communication and spread of information even faster, much faster.

In 1989 Tim replaced the linear text with hypertext. Being a scientist at CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Search), he proposed and later prototyped a new hypertext project in response to a simple, immediate, information-sharing facility request. He called the project "WorldWideWeb"

1993 WWW became public.

You all know the outcomes, and this is super inspiring!
Everything about communications is exciting. We genuinely want to impact the way people interact, exchange information, and, in the end, the way they feel. We want to change the communication between Companies and Humans.
Chapter 2
The big issue
2020. Changes in the way we communicate
Remember yourself ten years ago, or even five years ago. You used to call your family and friends by phone. You dialed phone numbers, used address books, exchanged business cards. It all seems like something from the past century. But, to be honest, do you ever pick up your phone when you get a call from a blocked or unknown number?

Сommunication is different now. We primarily use digital channels where we text, not call. We are more flexible now - we can start with a call, then switch to video, sending pictures and media files simultaneously. If needed, we can switch from one messenger to another without any trouble, just continuing the conversation—no hustle or change of the context.
Company to Customer communication
Sadly, the communication between companies and their customer seems to be stuck in the 2000s.

We are 100% sure that most of the issues can be fixed. However, only on one condition - when the communication with Customer becomes the focal point of processes in Marketing, Sales, and Support.

It means the change of mindset, attitude to the Customer, and communications in Marketing, Sales, and Support.
Losing data is a total failure
Imagine the situation - you ask Department A a question. Later you realize that Department B can help, and... department B knows nothing about your question until you describe your situation to them. The same is about Department C and so on. You can even think that all the departments are on different planets.

It is a no-win situation. The customer experience is awful.
Borderless communication
You decide to contact a company. Once you send them an email, you will likely prefer emails for the future. If you call, all of your future communications will stay on the phone. However, who knows, you may want to switch to text or WhatsApp next time, and then you may face something unpleasantly familiar - the company's representative has no idea what you were discussing before. How unbearably familiar is this?!

Now, remember how you text with friends. Using numerous channels at the same time is something natural and does not bring you problems. You are always in the context and get the best of each communication channel, whether a text, a voice message, a video call, or a social media DM.

We are sure that companies can also be always in the context, no matter where they start their communication with a customer and where they want to continue it.
The value of successful communication.
Let's be honest. No one loves filling in those forms with infinite fields on the website. No one loves tedious surfing on a new website looking for a piece of information. No one loves waiting for a callback.

Imagine you are visiting a clothes store and you are ready to buy now. You want to pay, but they ask you to fill in 15 fields first. It looks like another failure.

Communication is the key to a successful experience, a brand with loyal fans, and long-term relationships with a customer. It is the key to a successful customer.
Our mission
We want to make the communication between Companies and Customers easy and seamless, like everyday human-to-human interactions, by putting customer communication in the company's center. Therefore, we change the traditional ways Marketing, Sales, and Support interact with Customers.
Join us!
We started with a team of 4 in 2014. Now there are over 80, enthusiastic and persistent, willing to create and think big. We are all different and at the same time, we have something in common - we are united by our values, principles, and ideas.

Join our team
Dimitri Ive
Dima Turovski
Head of Product
Sergey Inkov