Conversion rate optimization software

Leverage the power of Dashly chatbots, pop-ups, live chat and triggered emails to increase your website conversion rate

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Optimize conversions with Dashly

All software you need to improve the conversions of marketing, sales, and support

Chatbot to capture and qualify website visitors 24/7
Pop-ups to convert leads with offers they can't refuse
Live chat for real time conversations with customers
Triggered email campaigns to re-engage customers

Skyrocket your conversion rates with proven scenarios

Sign up to find more templates

Provide the highest level of user experience personalization

Automatically capture the data on:

  • pages customers visited and CTAs they clicked;
  • their location, session number;
  • history of conversation with your company on different channels.

It will help marketingsales, and support personalize each conversation to reach a higher conversion rate.

Sign up to start your 7-days trial

Customer data in a card
Software to boost your CRO

Don’t miss a deal with smart management of customers data

Prioritize which leads to nurture and which ones to pass to sales managers.

  • Access all the collected data on a customer in a leads card.
  • Integrate the platform with your tech stack to transfer lead data.
  • Increase your marketing campaign's personalization by segmenting a data base according to what your customers do.

Sign up to start your 7-days trial

Launch A/B testing of your campaigns

You don't need coding skills to convert a visitor you attracted with SEO into a customer.

With Dashly platform software testing CRO ideas will take you 5-10 minutes.

Sign up to start your 7-days trial

A/B testing
Analyse your campaigns conversion

Measure the success of your online campaigns and fix bottlenecks with analytics reports

Plan and optimize your marketing activities conversion rate based on the efficiency of the past ones:

  • Open Rate
  • Click Through Rate
  • Capture leads
  • Engagement Rate

Sign up to start your 7-days trial

Conversion rate optimization without developers

Bring the wildest ideas on how to optimize site conversion rate to life in visual builders within 5 minutes

customer engagement
engage visitors to target action

Email builder

customer engagement

Unleash the power of Dashly conversion optimization platform to get the most of your website traffic

Start 7-days free trial

Take your ideas to the next level

All conversation in one inbox

Get rich customer data in one place and create personalized communication in every channel visitors behavior tracking

marketing automation campaigns

Automate your marketing campaigns with ready-made scenarios

push notifications in mobile

Increase mobile apps conversion rate with push notifications


Let customers learn about your business in a knowledge base


Answer messengers, socials, chat and email requests in one inbox

software to optimise your CR

Integrate Dashly platform with 30+ tools of your tech stack

Dashly conversion rate optimization platform in action

FAQ on conversion rate optimization with Dashly

When testing CRO software check if it has:

  • Triggered messages like triggered pop-upsemailchatbot, etc.
  • Marketing campaign personalization based on data about customers interests, session number, pages visited, location, email, etc.
  • A/B testing.
  • Flexible data base management and segmentation.
  • Visual builders to design campaigns without developers.
  • Ready-made templates.
  • Easy-to-customize analytics reports.
  • Integrations with your fav tool.

Save your resources on testing a perfect tool. Read our comparison of the best CRO platforms in this article.

Among the best-known benefits of conversion rate optimization with Dashly pop-upsemail, and chatbots, are:

  • increasing the conversion rate of the free users of your app into paying ones;
  • growing revenue;
  • improved user experience on your site;
  • better communication with website visitors;
  • saved time your sales managers spent on user pre-qualification;
  • more loyal customers.

Here are the results of the best scenarios our implementation team launched for SaaS:

conversions you may reach with Dashly team

and for eCommerce:

conversions you may reach with Dashly teamCheck how they work

In Dashly we have a dedicated team working on conversion rate optimization. We call them marketing growth hackers. Here is a short guide on how they test 10 CRO hypotheses each week:

  1. Find what step of the funnel needs improvements. You can’t just test all of them at once. Prioritize them if needed based on the strategic company goals.
  2. Conduct research on the problem: check analytics, sales/support calls, and collects customers or visitors experience feedback.
  3. Generate several ideas on how to fix this problem. For example: If we run a chatbot on the product main page offering to download the competitor matrix with Dashly and other products, the conversion rate will be 1.5% and more. 
  4. Discuss it with someone to cover all possible questions.
  5. Synchronize with involved teams: sales, support.
  6. Sum up the main idea, timing, channels, funnel stage, and who was responsible for the hypothesis realization.
  7. Carry out A/B testing. The team has estimated a maximum of six hours for launching a new hypothesis by using an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach. This way, we wouldn’t put everything on the table at once and waste valuable resources. But instead, just test the waters to see what works.
  8. Analytics. Check if the hypotheses worked as expected, we look at the dashboard in Rick analytics platform (CTR, CPC, CR, etc.) and Dashly, as we test many of our hypotheses with it. 

With Dashly you need no developers to make any of your CRO ideas real.

Sign up to test the platform for 7 days free.

A B2C conversions are fast and depend on:

  • emotional connection to the brand;
  • product price;
  • social proof;
  • offer provided by the B2C company.

This includes landing pages, discounts, free shipping, and giveaways to convince customers to sign up for a subscription newsletter.

To improve the conversion rate in B2B, you should work on:

  • clear information and messaging on your site;
  • proof with statistics;
  • brand credibility.

This includes: reviews, comparisons, or a customer reviews left on a product page, product demos and face-to-face or online conversations about custom solutions to problems.

Let's discuss how Dashly tool can boost your website conversions.