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Artificial Intelligence — Dashly Chatbot Glossary

In simple words, these machines can learn and simulate human intelligence: think like humans and mimic their actions to achieve a specific goal. For this, AI has three cognitive skills:

  • Reasoning. The ability to choose the right algorithm to reach the desired result.
  • Self-correction. Automatically fix the algorithms to provide the most accurate results.
  • Learning. Collecting and processing data for further usage and decisions making.

Thanks to "The Terminator" and "I, Robot" movies, there are concerns about the consequences of AI learning and decision-making abilities.

But don't worry, AI-powered apps we use today are safe… at least for now ????

For example, there are three brilliant AI solutions that we are using today, marketing machine learning as a present thing – not the future.

  • Siri is the Apple personal assistant on iPhone and iPad. This voice-activated assistant helps find information, get directions, send messages, make voice calls, open applications, and add events to the calendar.
  • Tesla. In addition to many accolades it has achieved, tesla also has features like self-driving, predictive capabilities, and absolute technological innovation.
  • Netflix's service uses predictive technology to offer recommendations based on consumers' reactions, interests, choices, and behavior. The technology examines many records to recommend movies based on your previous liking and responses.